
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dzejas kratuve 2

Tru storry!

Old cars don’t give a fuck about YOUR life

Old cars they just don’t give a fuck about your life

The old car isn’t the best item in your shopping cart

Don’t buy old cars because the truth is bitter

Old cars don’t give a fuck about your life

I bought an old car it wasn’t smart I couldn’t get it start

I used crocodiles I borrowed those from normal guys

My friend, he drove that car into a ditch

I swear he never fucked a bitch

I sold the car to Russians they gave it to the smashers!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jim Jarmusch

If there were a hall of fame for the super-cool and perpetually hip, Jim Jarmusch would most certainly have already been inducted. For more than 25 years, he has been making movies that function as travelogues through the cultural underground, and in many ways still sets the standard for American independent filmmaking.

"To me, independent film is just the people creating it being able to make it the way they want," Jarmusch said in his recognizable deadpan drawl during a recent telephone call from his office just off the Bowery in New York City. "There's a history of that in Europe. It's called 'filmmaking.' "

All story hear =\


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dzejas kratuve 1

Tā ka šo blogu vispaar neviens nelasa un neizprot tad publicesu savu dzejolju rindas kas kadu dienu izveidos jauku gramatu iedvesmai.

Poetry is fun

Zivju kaltes laika izeju es lauka

Iespljauju es klepus traukaa ieraugu ko jauku

Kapec nenopirku vakar mauku

Padomaju nedaudz

Iesperu pa kasti zel ka tagad neiznaks aizbraukt uz lilasti

Ko darit ja ir jaraksta gari raksti



Thursday, February 11, 2010

Trip trip trip Dont forget how to travel

This is anouncment that im getting to start the longest end of the winter with the trip to the hill thats it this time from the imortal rasta-man the ski bum story still coming up.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Ski Bum

Coming soon