
Friday, August 27, 2010

Another Autumn

Games of smoke in my kitchen had come to a different level. Flowing smoke meets the bulb of light and creates oreol of humidity around it. The magic of the evening sets in earlier in autumn and you feel blesst with the darkness that sorounds the space your in. After finishing your tea you light another cigaret and learn to forget but acctualy you have to remmember. rememmber the summer that made you think and feel different the age old qestion stays WHAT NEXT.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dzejas Krātuve Nr.5


Zivju kaltes laika izeju es lauka

Iespljauju es klepus traukaa ieraugu ko jauku

Kapec nenopirku vakar mauku

Padomaju nedaudz

Iesperu pa kasti zel ka tagad neiznaks aizbraukt uz lilasti

Ko darit ja ir jaraksta gari raksti



Monday, August 02, 2010

Dzejas krētuve Nr.4

World school tought me not to play dumb
wold school told me not to eat gum
world shool wanted me to sit calm
world school made me want to go tran

trans is the key to unlock the thee
thee who wanted to barry me.

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