
Wednesday, May 05, 2010

I had a good party IT WAS IN LATVIA and i was one of the hosts.

This was my 24 b-day party and it was a drunken cheesbread blast. It all started ith me cheesing in Juglas apartment. Jugla is not my girlfriend but my glfriends apartment is in Jugla. So i was makeing chees breads and drinking beer all day long until my girlfriend arived from work and soon the first guests arrived. They where very tall people with some easter presents i was drunk and called them Avatars.

So then some time pased and what not BUMMBLE arrived with a bottle of Vodka. So we drank it and felt warm.

As you have noticed in the pitctures there here also other gusts as Udrs and M.Antonio but i dont remember mutch what happened after me and Bummble have drunke the vodka. The things i remember are that some of my friend gave me a ROCK like a pece of street they probbobly picked up somevere nere the enterence of the house as a gift and also THE POLICE came not the band but the fat men in yelow bright clothes. The next moorning was great with rambo and some peacepipe on the ballcony. See ya all next APRIL. Let the pitctures speak.

St SK8


WALTER and ME The imortal rastaman too wierd to live too rear to die!



Blogger Džedajs said...

Kāpēc Karlīnas nav nevienā bildē?

3:49 PM  
Blogger viabaltica.blogspot.com said...

tapec ka tad kad vinja atnaca bij jau parak tumshh

1:05 AM  

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