
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Layers Of Information

The theory of the information Layers that are constantly moving!
This is a thing witch is one of the most interesting things of human life. Where humans get all the new ideas? Well it could be that there are layers of information that are constantly moving trough us. There is a layer of sound layer of vision layer of feeling information and the two most interesting layers that move trough our brain layer of dreams and layer of ideas. We cannot touch these things neither feel them but they make all the human emotions, like love anger and so on. These layers have different colors and they are in liquid form. They move around constantly and new layers come all the time. The place where they come from Universe. Humans are trying to discover the black space filled with stars for many centuries but many things still remain a mystery to us. Everything must be created from something, it can’t be taken from the non existing thing so if humans have this knowledge about aliens than there has to be something. When I heard this idea for the first time I tried to deny it and explain everything rationally but as I searched deeper into the caves of my mind I started to understand this idea and accept it. Let it fly.
Every adult man is a king of his mind and actions and if he gets too much influence from another man than the Hitler thingy can happen again!
Don’t be afraid of ideas and don’t hesitate to tell them to another person it’s your life, your soul it is priceless (Eric Burdon Experience!) 
Empty blank Board feeling creeps in but after some adjustment it will pass I believe.
This experience is just UN forgettable. Never let children who don’t know what they want experiment with illegal drug substances!!!!!!!!!
Why is it so hard to accept the reality why so many people try to escape it? (LSD is for thinkers not for doers) – History of LSD. I think it’s for booth just the matter is who gets the moor benefit out of it?
The idea is like a snowboard trick you have to want to do and realize your idea jus like you want to learn and land a new trick. First you have to think and visiulize the trick in your head jus as it is with an idea than you start learning it and get one with the thought that this shit will fly and im going to land it. Than is the time 0f failure  as it is called in snowboarding time to hit the ground hard and slam maybe even hurt yourself. But you shouldn’t open a pass  for fear to come into your mind and try it again visualize it moor and put moor physical effort or in case of an idea moor brain effort in it than you have to land ideas as well as the trick. I find snowboarding a very creative activity. As searching for new ideas is also a creative activity they have some connections.
Ideas are being (stolen) or I should say borrowed or heard from other creative people who have them but don’t know what to do with them so they pass it to their acquaintances friends or neighbours or whatever person whom they think the idea will be moor useful. And he ads something from himself to it That’s how some of the ideas are born.
New (great) ideas come from suffering!

Written in the mist of time by Mr.Too Weird to live Too rear to die [The IMORTAL RASTAM]
These are broke times.



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